18-19th June 2010, Stirling
All posts by Philip Andrews-Speed
“Creating world class energy champions”, Forum Istanbul: Towards 2023
20-21 May 2010, Istanbul.
China and unconventional gas: how will China ride the wave?
The last two years has seen an accelerating realisation around the world of the significance of the development of large reserves of shale gas in the U.S.A. The domestic gas market in the country has been transformed, at least in the short-term, as has the Atlantic market for liquefied natural gas. The waves from this … Continue Reading ››
CIEP Expert Meeting on cooperation and conflict in the Minerals sector
“China: feeding the dragon”, Windsor Energy Group, annual conference
Windsor Castle, 5-6 March 2010.
POLINARES Kick off meeting
Dundee to lead study of world’s energy challenges
China’s energy role in the Middle East and prospects for the future
P. Andrews-Speed, (2009)
in The New Energy Silk Road. The Growing Asia-Middle East Nexus (Washington DC: National Bureau of Asian Research), pp.13-28.
Energy : Overview, Energy: Hydrological power, and Energy: Wind Power
P. Andrews-Speed, (2009)
in David Pong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China
(Detroit: Charles Scribner), pp. 515, 518-520, 520-521.
Power Sector Reform
Andrews-Speed, P.
in OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform - China - Defining the Boundary between the Market and the State
(Paris: OECD, 2009), pp. 229-266.