China as a Global Clean Energy Champion: Lifting the Veil
A year ago, I was asked by a publisher to write a book entitled “China as a Global Clean Energy Champion” as a follow up of my 2011 effort “The Governance of Energy in China. Transition to a Low …
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Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy in the Middle East
On 28 November 2017, I participated in a workshop organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies on the geopolitics of nuclear energy in the Middle East, held in Istanbul. The event was attended by … Continue Reading ››
Nuclear fusion – on the way or false hope?
The last two years have seen a number of projects reporting “significant” progress being made towards the goal of developing nuclear fusion energy. This form of energy replicates the processes that drive …
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The United Kingdom government’s decision in September 2016 to give final approval for Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant gives a boost not only to the future of nuclear energy in the UK, but also to China’s ambitions of becoming a major exporter of nuclear technology. China is …
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China presses ahead with nuclear energy, but challenges remain
Whilst the expansion of nuclear energy capacity has largely stalled in Europe, the USA and Japan, China is one of the few countries to be adding to existing capacity and has the world’s largest fleet of new plants. Total …
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China-Iran energy relations after the lifting of UN sanctions
Whilst Xi Jinping’s trip to Iran in January 2016 had great diplomatic significance, the primary objective was economic, and energy will have featured prominently among the many deals signed. This should pave the way for more inward investment …
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Is China’s nuclear energy strategy on track?
Nuclear energy is seen as playing a central role in the government’s strategy for boosting the share of non-fossil fuels in China’s energy supply to 15% by 2020, up from 10% at the end …
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International energy and resources policy, with a focus on China