Held by French Institute for International relations (IFRI), Paris, 10 May 2007
All posts by Philip Andrews-Speed
“Energy Regulatory and Licensing Systems in the United Kingdom: the Case of Oil and Gas” International Symposium on China’s Energy Law
Beijing, 27-28 April 2007.
“Energy security”, Conference on China’s growing international security and diplomatic role
Wilton Park, 15-19th March 2007.
“China: A market that knows no bounds?”, Institute of Petroleum Week session, Delivering energy – a global view
London, 14th February 2007.
“China: A market that knows no bounds?”, Institute of Petroleum Week session, Delivering energy – a global view
London, 14th February 2007.
"Energy Engagement with China and India" – Conference on Ensuring Europe’s future energy security
Wilton Park, 21-23 January 2007.
China’s energy and environmental policies and their implications for OPEC
Andrews-Speed, P. (2006)
in Global Oil Demand: Outlook and Uncertainties (Vienna: OPEC Secretariat), pp. 105-124.
China’s international oil and gas strategy: implications for the UK and EU, and possible policy responses
P. Andrews-Speed and X. Ma (2006)
House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee, East Asia, Seventh Report of Session 2005-06, Written Evidence pp. 210-215.
The overseas activities of China’s national oil companies: rationale and outlook
Ma, X. and P. Andrews-Speed (2006)
Minerals and Energy 21 (1), 1-14.
China’s energy policy and its contribution to international stability
As China's economy continues its sustained and rapid growth, so does its demand for energy and other natural resource raw materials. China is now the second largest consumer of primary commercial energy after the USA, accounting for 15% of the world's total. Over the four year period … Continue Reading ››