Andrews-Speed, P., Yang, M., Shen, L. and Cao S. , (2003)
Journal of Cleaner Production 11, pp.185-196.
Andrews-Speed, P., Yang, M., Shen, L. and Cao S. , (2003)
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Organised by International Institute of Energy Economics Japan, 12-13th February 2003, Tokyo.
Andrews-Speed, P. (2002)
World Coal 11 (8), pp. 16-19.
Andrews-Speed, P. and Dow, S. (2002)
Minerals and Energy 17 (2), pp.20-32
Andrews-Speed, P, X. Liao and R. Dannreuther, (2002)
Woodrow Wilson International Center, China Environment Series Issue 5, 2002, pp. 13-28.