“Gulf-Africa energy cooperation”, Gulf-Africa Investment Forum

Presented: Riyadh, 4-5 December 2010

Extract from background paper (link to website and full pdf).

Energy is arguably the most important physical input required for economic development and a decent standard of living, and yet the supply and availability of modern energy is highly variable around the world and even across the GCC-Africa regions. Energy … Continue Reading ››

Rare Earths, Europe and Australia: Trade, Security and Sustainability Conference organized by Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, Australian Embassy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), the Australian Embassy in The Hague, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the support of TNO, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture, and Innovation and the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment organized a high level conference Rare Earths, Europe and Australia: Trade, Security and Sustainability.