China’s overseas oil investments: host country perspectives
The months of September and October saw a sudden surge in overseas investment activity by China’s national oil companies (NOCs). CNPC International obtained the right to 70% participation in the giant South Azadegan field in Iran, with its reported reserves of 42 billion barrels. The same company also reached agreement with Iraq’s government on the … Continue Reading ››
China’s wind power: size is not everything, but it helps
Don’t bring on the clowns. Credible leadership is essential to building a low-carbon economy
China’s oil companies secure access to Middle East oil and gas reserves
China raises pump prices again: what effect on oil demand in the transport sector?
“China’s energy role in the Middle East and prospects for the future”, in conference on The New Energy Silk Road. The Growing Asia-Middle East Nexus
18-19th May 2009, Washington DC, National Bureau of Asian Research.
China’s coal and electrical power: cleaner is still dirtier
The story of China’s energy sector over the last few years has really been two stories. On the one hand, commercialisation, investment and the application of better technologies have resulted in a massive growth of the capacity of the sector to deliver energy to where it is needed and in a substantial … Continue Reading ››
China’s drive for Energy Efficiency
Andrews-Speed, P.
Far Eastern Economic Review 172 (3) April 2009, pp. 33- 38.
China’s ability to influence world oil markets grows, as it builds strategic oil stocks and boosts refinery output and capacity
To be cash-rich in a cash-poor, low-price world, is a huge advantage. China has realised this, and is taking advantage of its relative strength in the extractive industries. As discussed in last month’s column, its government has been making generous loans and its companies have been making aggressive bids for corporate assets around the world. … Continue Reading ››