Quo vadis China’s overseas oil and gas investors?
The NOCs scale back
Five or ten years ago, we all knew where China’s national oil companies (NOCs) were going. The answer was ‘almost everywhere, and big’. What had started as putting a toe in the water in the early 1990s had …
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Reform of China’s oil industry at a time of low prices
Economic reform is high on the national agenda, at least according to the Third Plenary Session of the 18
th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, held more than two years ago in November 2013. Specific proposals included, among …
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China watchers are always energised by the arrival of a new national leadership, and those who observe the country’s energy sector are no different. The Third Plenum of the 18
th Chinese Communist Party Congress in November 2013 held out the promise of state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform and a …
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The last few months have seen a great deal of press speculation about Chinese government plans to reform its national oil companies (NOCs) and the NOC’s own plans to attract co-investors. It is still not clear whether the NOCs face wholesale restructuring or just incremental reforms. Either way, the …
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The current low level of international energy prices will not only affect China’s macro-economy and its domestic energy sector, as discussed in last month’s column, but it will also have some consequences for the country’s international engagement in the energy arena.
Whilst low prices have the potential to reduce the country’s …
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International energy and resources policy, with a focus on China