China’s consumption of coal fell in 2014 for the first time in since the 1970s. The exact scale of the decline remains open to interpretation, with different sources reporting different figures on account of the difficulties in obtaining reliable statistics on coal consumption. Estimates suggest that consumption … Continue Reading ››
On 1 July 2015, I appeared on Channel NewsAsia in a news item on China’s ambitions for Asian energy markets.
A recent report published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences called for the creation of common energy markets in central, north-east and south-east Asia and Continue Reading ››
The last few months have seen a great deal of press speculation about Chinese government plans to reform its national oil companies (NOCs) and the NOC’s own plans to attract co-investors. It is still not clear whether the NOCs face wholesale restructuring or just incremental reforms. Either way, the … Continue Reading ››
Zhang, P. Andrews-Speed, X. Zhao and Y. He (2013), ‘Interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy: A critical analysis of China's policy approach to renewable energies’ Energy Policy, 62, 342-353.
This paper analyzes China's policy approach to renewable energies and assesses how effectively China has met the ideal of appropriate interactions between renewable … Continue Reading ››
Zhang, S., P. Andrews-Speed and P. Perera (2015), ‘The evolving policy regime for pumped storage hydroelectricity in China: a key support for low-carbon energy’, Applied Energy 150, 15-24.
As part of its energy transition strategy, China has set ambitious targets for increasing the contribution of renewable energy and, in particular, of wind power. However, the … Continue Reading ››
Zhang, S., P. Andrews-Speed and M. Ji (2014), ‘The Erratic Path of the Low-Carbon Transition in China: Evolution of Solar PV Policy’, Energy Policy, 67, 903-912.
The last twenty years have seen the growth of both solar PV manufacturing capacity and deployment in China, yet this growth has followed … Continue Reading ››
At the beginning of June I was in Seoul for the annual ‘Plenum’ of the ASAN Institute, the theme of which was “Is the US back?”, and then gave a talk at the Green School of Korea University.
At the ASAN Plenum I was part of an energy … Continue Reading ››
International energy and resources policy, with a focus on China