Publication of new book “China, Oil and Global Politics”

At last, the sequel to the Adelphi Paper of 2002 (The Strategic Implications of China’s Energy Policy) is published. Co-authored with Roland Dannreuther. The aims of this book are:
  1. to identify the sources of this external oil policy by examining the dynamics of China’s domestic energy sector, and
  2. to show how energy is affecting the government’s foreign policy.
The … Continue Reading ››

Teaching at North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China

Philip spent two weeks at the North China Electric Power University, at the invitation of Professor Zhou Feng’ao, Director of the Beijing Energy Development Centre. This Centre was founded three years ago with the aim of becoming an inter-disciplinary centre for expertise in energy law and policy, undertaking research, post-graduate teaching and advisory services.

Philip gave … Continue Reading ››