Publication of new book “China, Oil and Global Politics”
- to identify the sources of this external oil policy by examining the dynamics of China’s domestic energy sector, and
- to show how energy is affecting the government’s foreign policy.
China’s renewable energy strategies face headwinds
China’s capacity to manufacture renewable energy equipment has grown dramatically, but the application of this technology to the delivery of renewable energy within China has been slower.
Teaching at North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Philip spent two weeks at the North China Electric Power University, at the invitation of Professor Zhou Feng’ao, Director of the Beijing Energy Development Centre. This Centre was founded three years ago with the aim of becoming an inter-disciplinary centre for expertise in energy law and policy, undertaking research, post-graduate teaching and advisory services.
Philip gave … Continue Reading ››
Article on Russia’s Gas and Oil Policy published in IAEE Energy Forum Newsletter
China’s nuclear power plans after Fukushima
Despite the Fukushima accident, China’s government seems ready to press ahead with ambitious plans for its nuclear energy industry, though with more care.
Lecture to School of Management Science at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu
“Institutions of energy governance and implications for China’s transition to a low-carbon economy”
Philip gave a lecture to an audience of about 25 staff and post-graduate students at UESTC.
View UESTC website.
China’s energy supply and demand: 2010 and the five-year plan
China’s draft five-year plan presents ambitions to radically constrain economic growth and energy demand, and to restructure the economy.
China’s booming gas sector: threat or promise?
China’s ambitious plans for natural gas consumption and import will result in the country becoming an important force in international gas markets, as it is now for oil and coal.